Tag Archives: adventure

Review Film Suzume

Satu lagi film tentang bencana dari Makoto Shinkai

Setelah Your Name (2016) dan Weathering With You (2019), saya adalah salah satu penonton yang menantikan Suzume. Sama dengan dua karya Makoto Shinkai sebelumnya, Suzume kembali menawarkan cerita bertema bencana alam dengan kemasan romansa remaja. Hanya saja, unsur magis yang dihadirkan sangat tampak dilihat dari travel companion dari protagonis utamanya. Di awal film, kita sudah akan bertemu dengan manusia yang disihir menjadi kursi kayu dan kucing yang dapat berbicara dengan manusia. Ditambah lagi, bentuk bencana yang dihadirkan lebih nyata, tidak lagi berupa metafora dari bencana yang menjadi inspirasi dari ceritanya.

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Review Film Avatar: The Way of Water

Salah satu film yang wajib ditonton di layar terbaik

Saya sempat meremehkan popularitas Avatar (2009) yang saya pikir hanya menceritakan kehidupan para makhluk biru di bulan yang dinamai Pandora. Pikiran saya berubah seketika kala menontonnya bulan September lalu. Karya James Cameron tersebut tidak hanya mengandalkan ekosistem fiktif ciptaannya, tetapi juga cerita perjuangan melawan pihak penjajah yang menegangkan. Dramanya sendiri berlandaskan cinta kepada habitat baru dan segala kekayaan budayanya. Sajian laga yang dihadirkan pada zamannya akan begitu mengagumkan jika melihat jenis teknologi yang dilibatkan. Pada Avatar: The Way of Water, saya mendapatkan kembali kekaguman yang sama, walaupun masih merasa Avatar (2009) lah installment yang lebih baik.

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Review Film Dolittle

Ketika Iron Man menjadi dokter yang berbicara dengan binatang

Saya tidak begitu ingat apakah saat kecil pernah menonton Dr. Dolittle di TV atau tidak. Yang pasti, saya hanya tahu bahwa Dolittle adalah seorang dokter yang dapat berbicara dengan berbagai macam hewan dan mendapatkan bantuannya. Cerita tentangnya pun sekadar berpetualang dengan hewan-hewan asistennya atau upayanya sebagai dokter. Ketika film terkininya tidak menggunakan titel Dr. dalam judulnya, di situlah saya cukup penasaran mengapa.

Pada Dolittle versi tahun 2020, sosok Dolittle diperankan oleh Robert Downey Jr. Dolittle kini sudah menikah dan tinggal di sebuah rumah besar bersama para binatang yang membantunya. Malang sang istri tewas dalam petualangannya, membuat Dolittle sedih dan menutup diri dari dunia luar. Suatu hari, seorang anak pemburu bernama Tommy tidak sengaja menembak seekor tupai lalu meminta pertolongan ke rumah Dolittle. Di saat yang sama, Rose datang mencari Dolittle supaya ia datang menyembuhkan ratu Victoria yang sakit keras. Para binatang pun meyakinkan Dolittle untuk keluar rumah karena rumah tinggal Dolittle dan para binatang ada berkat sang ratu. Sesampainya di istana, Dolittle menemukan bahwa sang ratu sakit karena racun dan hendak berpetualang untuk mencari penawarnya.

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Pokemon Detective Pikachu Movie Review

Yesterday I learned that Detective Pikachu video game did exist

From which media or souvenir you knew Pokemon for the first time? For me, it’s when I watched its anime which appearing Ash Ketchum and his starting Pokemon, Pikachu. The movie also, is basically a movie adaptation from the video game with the same title and brings same premise with the game. The game itself is fairly new because it’s released on March 2018.

Pokemon Detective Pikachu narrates Tim Goodman (Justice Smith) who no longer interested in being Pokemon trainer due to the absence of his father, Harry. He was taught that his father died in a car accident and traveled to Ryme City. Ryme City is said as a modern city where humans and Pokemon can really live together and the Pokemon no longer used for fighting. In Harry’s apartment, Tim strangely encountered a Pikachu that can speak to him and only him can understand. Pikachu believed that Harry is still alive and offered Tim to investigate his disappearance. Pikachu then revealed that he is Harry’s Pokemon partner and lost his memory and ability to use his moves. With the help from Lucy, the reporter who has investigated Harry’s disappearance, Tim and Pikachu set out to find clues of Harry’s whereabout.

As a game adaptation, the movie follows the original story well. The story also shows the appearance of R, a serum that can strengthen and make furious Pokemon, which cause most problems for Tim and Pikachu in the movie. As the consequence, the plot itself kinda straightforward except the twist where Pikachu found out how could he be able to talk with Tim and got amnesia and the discovery of the villain and the motive of the major plot. These twists are strongly connected with the objective of the movie, to bring back Pikachu’s memory and find Tim’s father. In the other hand, the movie is success enough in illustrating Tim who really has given up having business with Pokemon and the ambitious Lucy. However, the potential love interest among them is explored less.

Of course we’ll see Mewtwo, the strongest from the Gen I

What could be improved in this movie is how the movie deliver its fan service. The movie has been good enough in bringing the Pokemon into the real action, including the cutest group such as Pikachu and Bulbasaur. Our Pikachu also encountered some iconic Pokemon such as Charizard, Greninja, and Mewtwo. However the audience might want to see how they use their moves more. The movie shows less Pokemon battle scene because the story is set in a city where Pokemon battle is no longer legal, but the scene where the Pokemon defend themselves and use their moves should be added.

In short, this is an enjoyable game adaptation for every Pokemon fans. The story and Pokemon’s role in the movie still can be developed further though. I rated this movie 7.5 of 10. The score is due to this hyper cute leaked scene of the movie too.